Category: Conference

ITEXPO East 2011 Attendance up 52%

For those of you who attended the ITEXPO and related events last year in Miami, you remember it was a
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Read Before Switching to Verizon for iPhone

Verizon is widely rumored to be releasing the iPhone tomorrow and so many have waited so long for the moment
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SIP and HTML5 Convergence: Are You Ready?

Carl Ford is the loveable guy in the IP communications space I used to compete with but we are now
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Microsoft Tablet Expensive but does Flash

Microsoft, the company which invented the tablet – Tablet PC just under a decade ago has a long way to
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Incredible New Content at ITEXPO East 2011 Next Month

If you haven’t checked out the ITEXPO home page in a while please do so because the show evolves as
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What The Peep (Wireless) is Going On?

A company which claims to do the impossible. What can’t this thing do? I love to hear aggressive new companies
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Skype, FCC, IBM and Tech News Before New Year’s

While the week before Christmas and New Year’s is typically slow with regards to news, the huge blizzard which hit
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News to Know Before New Year’s 2011

The bitter fight between Oracle and SAP over copyright infringement got more bitter with courts agreeing SAP owes Oracle $16.5M
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How TMC is Working to Make ITEXPO Even Better

We have been very fortunate that TMC’s community of visitors online and the readers of our publications have chosen to
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MangoSpring MangoApps For Better Corporate Collaboration

Months back you may recall I covered Cisco Quad, a corporate social networking solution for truly massive companies. While many
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