CISCO UCCX or ShoreTel ECC - CCadmin script and power to the Supervisor!

If you have managed a contact center of any size, sooner or later, you will be asked to make a change on demand. A contact center supervisor feels the need to have a “team” meeting in the middle of the work day and needs the entire staff to be present.  This means nobody will be logged in to take calls. This is the point they call you, the contact center administrator,  and ask that you not only close the queue but record a new closed greeting. This happens so often that we determined to automate the process and put the power of opening and closing a queue in the hands of the Supervisor or Team leader.  We created a Script, named CCAdmin as part of our Cisco Support modules,  that is always running and waiting for a Supervisor to call it and make that famous request. Read more on CISCO UCCX or ShoreTel ECC – CCadmin script

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This page contains a single entry by Peter Buswell (aka DrVoIP) published on August 7, 2013 11:18 AM.

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