Peter : On Rad's Radar?
| Peter Radizeski of RAD-INFO, Inc. talking telecom, Cloud, VoIP, CLEC, and The Channel.


TWC Snags Navisite

February 2, 2011

The Future of Bell DSL

January 27, 2011

AT&T announced that they "nearly" hit 3 million U-Verse TV customers. In comparison, Bell added 2.8M new wireless customers in the 4th quarter and sold 4.1 million iPhones. Bell has 95M wireless subscribers. [see PDF].

Not So Shocking News

January 20, 2011

The FCC approved the merger of Comcast and NBCU (announcement pdf here) "with conditions and enforceable commitments", whatever that means, since its enforcement history has been simply laughable in fostering any competition at all.

"As part of the merger, Comcast-NBCU will be required to take affirmative steps to foster competition in the video marketplace. In addition, Comcast-NBCU will increase local news coverage to viewers; expand children's programming; enhance the diversity of programming available to Spanish-speaking viewers; offer broadband services to low-income Americans at reduced monthly prices; and provide high-speed broadband to schools, libraries and underserved communities, among other public benefits."

I agree with FCC Commish Copps, "But all the majority's efforts--diligent though they were--to ameliorate these harms cannot mask the truth that this Comcast-NBCU joint venture grievously fails the public interest. I searched in vain for the benefits." Haven't we seen enough Too-Big-To-Fail??

Cox Business on Hosted PBX Roll Out

January 20, 2011

I recently interviewed Mike Bolognini, vice president of Cox Business and Hospitality Network in Las Vegas, about the planned rollout of Hosted PBX in Southern Nevada. Below are Mr. Bolognini's responses.

RAD: What is the biggest challenge you will face as you plan the rollout of Hosted PBX in Southern Nevada?

COX: The introduction of any new technology brings with it a learning curve.

Merger Conditions for Comcast

December 28, 2010

TMC has the Comcast-NBC merger fully covered - here, here, here, here and the story of Congresswoman Waters.  Waters wants a written plan for diversity included in the merger paperwork. Without teeth, Comcast could write anything down. Where's the enforcement coming from?

Comcast-NBC Merger is Failure Two

December 27, 2010

This will be a far reaching rant but I think that it's time the FCC (and other F-Agencies) close their doors. Really. We have a huge deficit and really you just aren't honoring your duties or worth the expense any longer.

The Net Neutrality issue went on for months - and you had plenty of time to talk to the bazillion lobbyists, but couldn't find time to consider the consumer in all of this? 

Chat With JCurve About 2011

December 15, 2010

What's It Take to be a VoIP Winner?

December 13, 2010

What does it take to run a successful VoIP services company? According to Report Linker, "the biggest VoIP providers are ostensibly run-of-the-mill telecom companies. This means smaller providers must innovate and take the role of pioneers whose marketing strategy doesn't rely only on offering the lowest price, since that's a game they can't win."

Lowest price is about scale.

Broadband Numbers Fall

December 13, 2010

Broadband deployment numbers will fall. Why? The FCC has re-defined broadband as 4MB x 1MB and most DSL and 2.5G/3G do not provide that kind of real bandwidth. In the FCC report titled "Internet Access Services: Status as of December 31, 2009," 68% of connections in the US advertised as "broadband" can't really be considered as such because they fall below the agency's most recent minimum requirements." Oops!

Selling SIP Trunking

December 2, 2010

I spent yesterday with an MSO Enterprise sales force training them on what SIP is and how to sell it. The key is the Value Statement.

Today, there are over a thousand companies selling voice services. It comes down to what your Value Proposition is.

Clients say they want to save money, but really they want reliable, quality dial-tone.

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