DynaTAC then.... iPhone Now

The first U.S. commercial cell call was placed 25 years ago to the grandson of Alexander Graham Bell in Germany - using Motorola's DynaTAC 8000X portable cellular phone. It weighed in at 28 ounces, and had 60 minute battery life on a 10 hour charge.

"DynaTAC" sounds more like a coffee drop than the start of a mass market technology revolution!

First cell phone.jpg

We, and this includes billions of people on the planet, have come a long way down the hyperconnectivity road.

The iPhone weighs less than 5 ounces, and has talk times of 5-10 hours on a single charge. WiFi phones have also reached maturity having traveled an accelerated path. For example, Nortel's latest WLAN Handset 6140 is 5 ounces and is also designed for heavy call usage.

So who made the first iPhone call made? Likely Steve Jobs, but I doubt that it was to Bill Gates;)

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