Integrys Bets on Unified Communications

Nortel is now talking about over 800 wins with Microsoft, with our suite of unified communications solutions and professional services. There are actually ten different solutions being delivered today, including our Converged Office, which integrates the Nortel IP PBX with LCS/OCS.

One of these customers is the Integrys Energy Group, headquartered in Chicago. I had an interesting lunch with Craig M. of Integrys at our User Conference in Dallas earlier this week. Craig explained to me, how seconds saved in the energy trading environment, can translate into significant returns.

Integrys deployed a Unified Communications solutions that included federated instant messaging, to allow energy traders to make energy purchases via a secure bidding process in the public instant messaging arena. This, along with 1500 UC seats of Converged Office, earned them a Technology Innovation Best Practice award.

This brings out a fourth Unified C of Unified Business: Unified Community (joining Unified Communications-enabled apps, Unified Clients and Unified Collaboration.

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