Looking Into The Distance from the Summit

Let’s look a little further out from the Gartner Enterprise Networking Summit. I took back three messages:

1) Dr. Lippman of MIT said during his keynote: “Technology doesn't change things; society does. It's out of our hands". "It's not about products but about architectures, tools and enablers". This certainly aligns with our communications enablement multi-vendor, multi-domain SOA-based framework that was announced in November with IBM.

2) Gartner spent a lot of time talking to WYNIWYG (What You Need Is What You Get). WYNIWYG unleashes applications and communications through a context driven architecture. To deliver on this promise, solutions have to provide orchestration in real-time, and be multi-vendor and multi-domain. I might not have come up with this acronym, but wholeheartedly agree with the importance of context and relationships.

3) Gartner predicted that ‘Voice as an Application’ will be a reality in a relatively short three years, and will effect 20% of IT budgets. That’s our bet too in partnering deeply with MSFT and IBM.

These may not impact your budget in 2008 but certainly gives one lots to think about. Your thoughts?

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