Hyperconnectivity Drives Network Transformation

Let's talk about Hyperconnectivity and network implications of unified communications and of an explosion in network-connected devices - for example, in the realms of energy and property management, asset and location tracking, telemetry and enhanced security systems. This is enabled by low-cost sensors and actuators that can detect over 100 different physical parameters, including temperature, radiation levels, door closures, visual and audio signals and location - and that can cost-effectively transmit this information.

Scaling the network by a factor of 10 to 100, the most obvious of a number of new requirements, can’t be achieved without fundamentally streamlining current network environments. Hyperconnectivity demands simplification on a grand scale, transforming the network into a business optimized infrastructure. This will be as big as the transformation from departmental LANs to enterprise IP networking.

So how will you simplify your network, while delivering performance across an ever-broader range of applications?

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