Contextually-aware UC

Presence is an important feature of unified communications (UC), but is it really enough?

I say no. Presence is only an element of context.

Here's what I consider to be the four key dimensions of contextually enhanced UC:
> Identity/role: Knowledge of the identity and respective roles of individuals in a work flow is essential to any context-aware communications. The preferences, interests and other attitudes of a user may have a great influence on how information supply is to be carried out and what information is to be provided.

> Presence/Reachability: This is information on the state of the user, and includes physical activity and applications being accessed. It also includes the disposition of the user reflecting his or her priorities at a particular time. Reachability denotes the sum of all communication media a person has at his/her disposal and is able to use at a given point in time.

> Location: Location is about where, in which direction and how fast. It also includes information on the surroundings, such as people and objects/devices near an entity.

> Situation/Activity/Event: This includes the business process needs for reduced time to X, various entities in the decision making process, the urgency of the matter at hand, and any relevant real-time and/or historical content, potentially delivered as notifications and alerts. Even external conditions (e.g., traffic or weather) may impact decision-making activities.

Contextually enhanced unified communications has the potential of delivering substantial added values for end users as well as for communications-enabled applications.

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