RRsat Supports Holistic Video Broadcasts


I spent some time at the recent SATCON New York 2010 show talking with Telx Ethernet Exchange program participant RRsat to discuss the company’s holistic approach to global communications which blends their satellite and fiber networks allowing for a one-hop satellite broadcast anywhere in the world. The company simultaneously provides its services to over 550 television and radio channels spanning an area of more than 150 countries and to learn more I spoke with both Sholomi Izkovitz, Deputy VP of Sales & Mktg and Eric Larsen Senior Sales Director. Part of our discussion centered around how the company’s MPEG-4 capabilities are being utilized to broadcast the US Open, PGA and other important sporting events.

Other areas of growth are 3D and HD – where RRsat recently announced Fashion TV HD is now available on the RRsat Global Network via the Intelsat-805 for distribution over central, north and south America.

Furthermore, RRsat can broadcast 3D events globally either entirely by satellite such as the Eutelsat Eurosports event or by fiber with the BT London-Jerusalem live event.

Moreover the company recently announced a new platform on the Galaxy 19 satellite at 97 degrees west – and this one along with three other platforms on the G-19 will broadcast more than 50 religious and ethnic TV and radio channels and hopes to reach millions of homes across the U.S.

An interesting differentiator is the company’s constant growth within markets – sales have increased from $19m to $107M in nine years and business partnerships with other fiber networks allows them to broadcast from anywhere to anywhere whether they have a POP in place in the area or not.

RRsat is further transmitting channels from America to Asia and Europe as well as transmitting many new HD channels in HD to Asia.

I asked Izkovitz if broadband and Internet-based video will be competitive threats and he said the company is already streaming so these technologies will continue to be complimentary and add value. He added, “Companies need to combine, satellite, fiber and the IP cloud.”

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