TMC & Zenith Infotech Cloud Computing Seminar Series Launched

Cloud computing is perhaps the hottest and most important computing trend which hand-in-hand with the mobility markets are two of the shining stars of tech. The cost savings and myriad other benefits of migrating apps to the cloud has allowed companies to become more productive and efficient while reducing CAPEX. Startups too have embraced the cloud, allowing them and their investors to rapidly determine customer demand for new software and services without the traditional need to build a data center and outfit it with state-of-the art servers and software. This has allowed more startups per dollar to be produced, allowing many companies who would not have had a shot in the old days to not only get funded but flourish quickly as the cloud also helps companies grow quickly – because they don’t need to depend on their physical data center space to fuel their growth.

Next year TMC will have spent four decades educating the various markets it serves and one of my favorite educational vehicles has to be face-to-face seminars and conferences. This is why I am so excited to announce TMC has partnered with Zenith Infotech to launch a 25-city seminar tour titled “It’s Your Cloud” bringing the most important and latest information about cloud computing to you.

Topics to be discussed include virtualization, Active Directory, messaging systems and more. Any and every person who has an interest in technology should be at these half-day events which will be in virtually all major cities from New York, Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, Newark, NJ, Orlando, Philadelphia, San Diego, Tampa, Washington DC, San Diego, San Jose, Tampa, Miami, Boston, Orlando and more.

As a special bonus you will hear a keynote address from tech futurist Nelson Ruest, Director Resolutions Enterprises LTD. The seminars will take place over the next five months and we hope to see you at one or more of them.

You can learn more and register here.

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