Search Engine Research

Wow! Is this a powerful survey. iProspect says that if your search results are not on the first three pages of reach engine results you pretty much need to give it up. Why? Because 90% of searchers don’t look beyond page 3 for results.

Other interesting data from this survey: 62 percent of people click on results on the first page returned.

Oh but wait, there is more: Over one-third (36 percent) of surfers today indicate they believe that the companies whose Web sites are returned at the top of the search results are the leaders in their field!

I cannot overemphasize this point. If you are able to get search engines to rank you up at the top of their results, more than one-third of the searching population will assume you are a leader in your field. Imagine this for a moment. You can be a start up or a company that just knows how to get a high ranking and voila, you are now a leader in your space.

With research like this emerging it becomes more and more important to improve your organic search results.

Incidentally, TMC has recently launched a program to help companies increase their search engine rank. It is a relatively new and we have basically succumbed to all the people who have asked us over the past few years to help them. We are focusing on technology companies for now so if you are interested in learning more, feel free to drop me a line and please put SEO in the subject.

  • Martin
    August 16, 2006 at 3:33 pm

    SEO is a science. The term “SEO is not an exact science” is using by Search Engines Marketers who do not fully understand how search engines works. Read the proof here

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