Moby on Net Neutrality

I am a big Moby fan. Perhaps you are as well. I think he may even live in Darien, CT the next town over from TMC’s offices in Norwalk. If you aren’t aware, Moby produces primarily dance/techno music and at one point annoyed artist Eminem so much that Eminem decided to tell Moby that nobody listened to techno on one of his hit records.

Here is the Internet News story about net Neutrality and Moby.

  • cyril AKA Frenchy
    April 19, 2008 at 7:43 am

    I am too a big fan of Moby.
    I am trying to reach him or somehow be in contact with him about advice on a show….
    If anyone could help it would be great…
    It could me the greatest show on hearth!
    I shit you not!

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