Just Landed in Indianapolis

Great people and great steak… What a wonderful combination. I love
Indy – albeit more in the spring and early fall. 😉
Here is a shot from the plane as we took off from New York.
I am on a nearly empty plane. Four of us from TMC are onboard out of
13 in total.
For about five years there have been few empty seats on planes but now
the planes all seem to be emptying to various degrees.
Here is the problem for airlines… Once people cut travel budgets and
substitute telepresence and HD video for travel, do they ever come back?
After all, as low as airfares go, the hassle of flying will always be
there. Parking in many cases in fact can exceed ticket cost! What is
wrong with this model?
This move towards replacing air and car travel with electronics based
on IP communications is great news for the US as it relates to energy
independance as well. After all, coal, nuclear and other technologies
can power electric companies while planes and cars need oil derivatives.


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