Cheney Shoots Man

Since Reagan it seems that every administration has some weirdness associated with it. I suppose Reagan had some too but I just don’t recall.
OK this is what I remember:
  • President Bush Senior throws up on the Japanese Prime Minister
  • Clinton had Monica
  • President Bush Junior has the pretzel incident
  • Now VP Cheney shoots someone accidentally while hunting
Perhaps we all have some weirdness in our lives but I suppose when you get elevated to VP or President level things get even weirder.

  • jazzle
    February 12, 2006 at 4:51 pm

    I think idiocy is rather more apt.

  • Brenda Keener
    February 13, 2006 at 6:31 pm

    Before I heard of this incident, I was strongly suspecting that the US Government was trying to control the media in the same fashion that they were monitoring telephone calls. This made me chuckle, and realize that if the government WERE controlling the media there is NO WAY this story would have reached the public eye!

  • Rich Tehrani
    February 13, 2006 at 6:37 pm

    Even if the government didn’t control the media you would imagine this is the one story they would want to keep quiet. The late night shows will be worth watching tonight.
    I am glad to hear the person shot is doing OK. He may go down in history for something he doesn’t want to be remembered for… Mistake for a bird by the Vice President of the United States!

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