Mother of all Outsourcing Jobs

Where would the world be without outsourcing to other countries? Call center jobs, back office work… Even architecture, legal and medical jobs have found their way to India. Now, the latest market to get outsourced is surrogate motherhood.

As with many other outsourcing jobs, surrogate motherhood companies are found online and the cost is a fraction of what it would be in developed countries like the US. I remain fascinated at how the internet allows capitalism to spread throughout the world in ways we would have had trouble predicting even five years ago.

  • dedicated staff
    January 1, 2008 at 8:28 pm

    OUtsourcing surrogate mothers is a big relief to both the outsourcing couple and the woman rendering her womb ‘for rent’. Why not, it is an answer to childless couple’s need so they can be a family for a set fee, discounting teh entire period of labor and the cost of being an expectant mother. And for her who have a womb for rent, it simply means getting cash.

  • Glenn Forbes
    January 11, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    Surrogate motherhood is a very controversial issue. Surrogate motherhood refers to the process by which a woman volunteers to be artificially inseminated and carry the child for a couple that can’t conceive on their own. But people differ in their beliefs about whether this is ethical. Being a parent is a very important part of life to many people and for some couples, this is the only means of having a child.

  • Outsourcing Guru
    January 23, 2009 at 12:39 am

    I thought outsourcing is only helping such country by providing jobs but now I’ve been aware that through Surrogate motherhood, outsourcing can also produce babies to help unfertile couples.

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