Obsolete Wireless Outlets

Is the era of the wireless retailer dedicated to a single brand coming to an end? Is the recent news that Sprint is closing stores something unique to the troubled phone company or is it a sign of things to come? Should wireless companies embrace the rental car model in airports where costs are lower due to shared overhead?

Tom Wheeler has some fascinating points about this issue.

  • anon
    January 31, 2008 at 4:27 pm

    in the long term the cell phone companies will be nothing more than a utility. we will buy our phone at general consumer electronic stores and the phone company itself will simply be a place that issues the SIM card and sends out the monthly bill. the glamor of the last decade will dwindle away; and it will all be for the better for the consumers as lower pricing will come along as the telecos concentrate on reliable networks and not fancy marketing schemes.

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