Can’t Miss SIP Tutorial at ITEXPO

One of the most trusted names in communications Carl Ford – was explaining to me recently how the upcoming tutorial on SIP at ITEXPO, January 20-22, 2010 in Miami will be the best session on SIP – anywhere. He mentioned it in passing and then I realized – wait a minute – I didn’t even blog it. Am I being unfaithful to my readers? Well just in case, I decided to blog away.

Here are the bios of the speakers –

Dr. Henry Sinnreich

Henry Sinnreich has worked most of his career in the telecom industry, including 24 years at MCI where he was an MCI Fellow. He has contributed to the development of the first commercial SIP service by a major carrier and is also an active contributor to IETF SIP standards work. He is an author of several books on SIP. Dr. Sinnreich is a guest lecturer at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and works at Adobe Systems.

Dr. Alan Johnston

Alan Johnston has worked in various positions in the telecom industry and is a major contributor to various SIP standards in the IETF that include the core RFC 3261 specification. He has authored several RFCs on SIP service examples that are used as reference throughout the industry and is an author or co-author of four books on SIP and security. Dr. Johnston is an adjunct at Washington University in Saint Louis and works at Avaya on SIP standards and their applications.

Check out the details of the session for more.

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