Radcom QTrace

Networks are converging at breakneck speed and as they do, so does the need to search and troubleshoot calls across multiple sites and networks. According to Avi Zamir, President of Radcom, his company is starting to see the need for converged monitoring tools across VoIP, cellular and IPTV networks.
Service providers are looking for a single management platform in his experience. To solve this problem his company has launched QTrace for mobile network operators. This solution can work on multiple servers if needed and allows operators to analyze all open calls or any subset of calls across the network.
QTrace at it’s heart is a user-friendly central management system. In addition, various probes – some intrusive and some not, cover different networks and services.
The solution provides 7-layer and cross-network visibility into every session and event affecting the successful delivery of services. It is also capable of finding problems in VoIP calls connecting to cellular and vice versa. In addition it can pinpoint areas of network degradation and show trending.
Operators can place quality thresholds and be notified of potential problems quite rapidly. The notification can be by a variety of means such as SMS, etc.
The combination of central management, two types of probes and a user interface allowing mobile providers to instantaneously drill down into network trouble spots should allow service providers to quickly improve the quality levels they provide for their customers.

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